Fork Deli Patisserie


Instagram appeal: 8/10
Fork’s large windows and high ceiling make for great natural lighting.
Edginess: 6/10
The occasional UCL hipster, but definitely more mainstream than edgy.
Good For:
Cake or a delicious and good-value lunch.
Most Likely to Meet:
UCL students or actual 9-5 workers (omg) on lunch breaks.
Affordability: 7/10
At £2.50 for a flat white/cappuccino/latte, Fork is definitely good value for money (also don’t forget student discount!)

We’ve reached that point in the term – you’re tired (how is it only week six?), you’re craving that sweet, sweet caffeine hit and a lunch venue/coffee house/deli more than a 10 minute walk from UCL is almost definitely out of the question. Look no further, a visit to Marchmont Street’s Fork Deli Patisserie is the perfect mid-term pick-me-up – the cakes are ridiculously good, it’s not too far from UCL and most importantly, there’s a magical 10% student discount.

Having heard good things about Fork’s famous quiche, carrot cake and array of savoury croissants, I asked Kathy – my oldest friend and GDL student – to brave the trek from Farnham to the Big City (a bleak train journey I know all too well from my commuting days last term) in aid of #forgoodnesscakes. Fork’s unusual wooden décor (white wood-panelled walls and some ridiculously good artwork), buzzing atmosphere (I actually witnessed a genuine fight for a table, no word of a lie) and mouth-watering lunch selection (bagels, croissants, English muffins, salads – you name it) make for an unforgettable experience that’ll have you returning time and time again.

Whilst my flat white (adventurous, I know) was nice but not exactly the stuff of dreams, Fork certainly knows how to do cake. Kathy’s scone – a wholemeal, slightly crunchier version – and my (gluten free) orange and almond cake were both excellent choices. The carrot cake and nutty chocolate brownie were also extremely tempting options (basically I wanted everything), and the fact that most of the cakes are baked in-house is enough to impress the pickiest of cake-eaters. If you’re after something lunch-y, the saffron and chilli chowder is absolutely delicious – served with a slice of seeded bread, it’s the ideal guilt-free option if you don’t fancy a brie/mozzarella/gruyere croissant. If you’re not into coffee, don’t panic – Fork offers a great selection of cold drinks (juices, San Pellegrino and coconut water) and various different tea infusions.

With its French, rustic and edgy-industrial vibe, Fork is the perfect place to avoid the chaos of the Print Room Café without travelling too far from UCL. Ideal for a slice of delicious cake, a coffee date or an afternoon of work (they have wifi and plugs!), you certainly won’t be disappointed by this little gem.

85 Marchmont St, London WC1N 1AL