The (Not So Big) Really Big Free Education Teach-In

Photography by Tamara Hopewell Barreda

Photography by Tamara Hopewell Barreda


Last Friday, UCL Defend Education, affiliated with the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC), held a teach-in in UCL’s south cloisters as part of two weeks of action across the country in a lead up to the national demonstration on 19th November.

The day included talks and discussions on a wide range of topics related to education, from the influence that the military have in British universities to radical economics. Students were encouraged to participate or simply turn up to show their support for as much or as little time as they wanted.

The aim of the day was for students and teachers to walk past, notice the event and hopefully stay, listen and participate. Unfortunately the weather meant that while the Portico steps were teaming with people, the usually busy and crowded cloisters were looking rather empty.

However, despite a slow start, numbers increased throughout the day as people came to discussions that particularly tickled their fancy. As well as this, throughout the day leaflets were handed out and students and teachers alike came over to have a look at what was going on.

Although there may not have been quite as many people as hoped, the importance of the teach-in should not be detracted.

Even if on a small scale, it achieved its aims, and in the run up to to the demonstration on the 19th of November, the fact that it managed to highlight just some of the issues that threaten education to a small group of students can be considered progress.

NewsTamara Hopewell Barreda