UCL Boat Club's philanthropic efforts raise nearly £7,500


UCL Boat Club hosted a record-breaking 48 Hour Row-a-thon in Convent Garden at the end of reading week, raising much needed funds for the National Autistic Society and bolstering Boat Club reserves.  The UCLU club raised over £6,500 in cash and online donations, which, with gift aid, gave a total of almost £7,500. 50% of the money raised in this achievement from the club will be donated to the National Autistic Society, supporting its life changing work with children and adults with autism.

96 students took part in the event, which lasted from Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon.  Rowing equipment suppliers, WaterRower, sponsored the event, while the students rowed and fundraised throughout the day and night for the 48 hour window.  Many stalwarts were to be seen rowing and rattling buckets in the early hours of Saturday and Sunday morning plied with cups of coffee. Obviously it worked, as the event was a resounding success.

Fundraising Officer James Doble said that the fundraising efforts substantially exceeded the target, “It took a lot of hard work and commitment to organise the event, working with Westminster City Council and London Metropolitan Police, but the results made it all worthwhile.  The support from the Club, our sponsors, family and friends has been outstanding. The event has really showcased how well the Boat Club is operated and what progress has been made in the last two years.”

The NAS Head of Supporter Fundraising, Kate Donohue, said: “It’s great to know that people like James and his team want to help us support others living with autism and I’m so impressed at the amount that the team have raised!  A 48 hour rowathon is an innovative and creative idea, and the team’s dedication and energy created a buzz in the centre-point of Covent Garden over those two days, raising lots of awareness about the condition.”