Former UCL Student Zhenhao Zou Found Guilty on 11 Counts of Rape
Image Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
Trigger warning: The article contains distressing content and sexual violence.
After almost six weeks of trial proceedings at Inner London Crown Court, Zhenhao Zou has been found guilty of a total of 28 offences, including 11 counts of rape against 10 different women. According to a lead detective on the case, Zhenhao Zou "may turn out to be one of the most prolific sexual predators that we've ever seen in this country."
The Met police have expressed concerns that there may be more than 50 other unidentified victims across London and China. Detectives seized laptops and phones from Zou's flat, which contained 1270 videos, 58 of contained distressing footage of Zou raping different women. Detective Superintendent Vanessa Britton claims it could be “an extraordinary amount of time” before they know the scale of Zou's offences.
Zou's offence pattern involved inviting women to his house under the guise of studying or drinking. He would offer them a drink containing a substance believed to be butanediol, which converts to GHB once in the human body. It would lead to the victims drifting in and out of consciousness as he raped them.
In November 2020, the police found he used an “obscure messaging app” to learn how to drug and rape young women. The app contained a drug advert stating, “effects guaranteed", with pictures of sleeping, naked women.
One of the survivors explained that she “does not remember much after drinking the large glass of vodka”. The recorded conversation shows Zou saying, "Finish the drink. It should not go to waste." Due to poor translation of her 999 call, she was discouraged and dropped the rape charges. However, she used social media platforms like LittleRedBook and WeChat to warn other women of Zou.
Commander Southward responded, “There is undoubtedly some learning from the first response that these victims received.” Saira Pike from the Crown Prosecution expressed her gratitude to the women who reported Zhenhao Zou's crimes: "They have been incredibly strong and brave." If not for them, Zou would have gone undetected.
On 27th January 2024, UCL suspended Zhenhao Zou after being informed about the allegation. UCL President and Provost, Dr Michael Spence, emailed students on Wednesday 5th March 2025 to express his “unequivocal support” for those affected, as well as sharing support resources of partners, such as Rape Crisis, Survivors Network, Stamp Out Spiking and Sexual Violence Advisors.
UCL have also offered support to students responding to the Metropolitan Police's appeal, asking “anyone who is concerned they could have been a victim of this individual to come forward” ensuring confidentiality at every stage. The UCL team offers 24-hour multilingual support.
The Jury has also found Zhenhao Zou guilty of three counts of voyeurism, one count of false imprisonment and three counts of possession of controlled drugs with intent to commit a sexual offence.
Zhenhao Zou will be sentenced on 19 June 2025 at Inner London Crown Court.
If you have information related to these crimes, and you feel comfortable doing so, please contact the Police through email:, by calling 101 or visiting the dedicated webpage.
If you have been affected by any of the issues in this report, support is available.
Contact Rape Crisis England & Wales for confidential 24/7 support for survivors of sexual violence at 0808 500 2222 or visit
Contact Victim Support for free 24/7 help with emotional and practical support for anyone affected by crime at 0808 168 9111 or visit
Contact Samaritans for 24/7 emotional support for anyone in distress or struggling with mental health at 116 123 or visit