How Misinformation Divides Generations
Image Courtesy: Jenna Anderson via Unsplash
I once assumed that the polarisation of belief systems across generations could be explained by a diversity of upbringings, or historical context, and I’ve frequently invoked the trope that ‘people get more conservative as they age’ when confronted with relatives promoting views I find personally objectionable. But I have realised this does not adequately explain the recent phenomenon that is increasingly being brought to my attention. A phenomenon that I can only describe as: losing older relatives to misinformation.
This is not necessarily informed by ideology or politics, but by susceptibility to spurious claims. I have been guilty of assuming that conflicts of opinion are usually accompanied by divisive referendums or electoral campaigns. Yet, the proliferation of fake news is not a uniquely political phenomenon (although political events certainly facilitate and amplify the spread of misinformation). I have witnessed older generations choosing to live their life counterfactually, deriving their knowledge from increasingly questionable sources.
It is important to note that I am not disputing society’s universal exposure to misinformation. We are all living through an ‘infodemic.’ The rapid and extensive spread of information, accurate or not, is part of our lived experience and it is incumbent on us to navigate these increasingly diverse sources of knowledge. We are all subject to the ‘illusory truth effect’, and can believe things by virtue of frequent exposure to them. When assessing competing claims to truth, we are deprived of a referee. However, my experience suggests that those above the age of 60 fall victim to misinformation more frequently than my contemporaries. Is this purely anecdotal, or is there a scientific or logical reason behind my observations?
Some initial research indicated that, yes, the older generation is a primary agent in the consumption and sharing of misinformation. During the 2016 election, people over 65 shared ‘fake news’ 7 times more than people aged between 18 and 29. Twitter users over 50 were responsible for sharing 80% of all fake news. And we are all familiar with the demographic of those who voted leave in the 2016 EU referendum (60% of people over the age of 65 sided with Nigel Farage’s campaign which infamously, and wrongly, claimed that the UK paid the EU £350 million a week).
These findings did not entirely explain why older generations are misled by false claims. However, when considering the rise of social media and algorithms, it becomes increasingly understandable why those who grew up without mobiles may be less adept at navigating misinformation. Generally, the older we get, the stronger our conviction in what we believe to be true. We all cultivate this conviction from diverse sources, subliminally creating stereotypes and asserting boundaries of our knowledge. Now consider forming these belief systems prior to the internet and its proliferation of information. Older generations enter the online world unaware of how ads, articles or reels can inform belief systems. A conviction in their age-old wisdom paradoxically makes them more vulnerable to misinformation, as they fail to consider how online content could be vested with a moral agenda. They assume their skills of discernment are better than most, yet are unaware that these skills must be activated when consuming online media. Lacking the digital literacy of people brought up with the internet, they enter a world with misguided confidence in their ability to detect false information.
Individuals can be exposed to hyper partisan information on the same site that they can view their friend’s baby shower. Yet there is no warning that, when passively socialising, we may also be exposed to political views or news items. We must constantly remind ourselves that, whilst our online followers are curated, so too is our news. Younger generations may perhaps be more aware of the echo chamber they operate in, and the potential to confront more extreme corners of this when on their phones. The algorithms that determine our news feed are fundamentally engines of radicalisation. But what is apparent is that older generations are less able to identify and navigate this. Studies show that with age, comes increased trust in known sources of information. Yet this is accompanied by a difficulty to detect deception in new or unknown sources. When coupled with the inevitable degeneration of cognitive function that comes with age, this places the older generation in the most vulnerable position when exposed to misinformation.
I have no intention of defending the spread of bigoted statements or false information. However, when you consider the sheer acumen that is required when sifting through the torrent of news, opinions and promotions online, it is easier to conceive why people may spread misinformation - particularly older people who both lack digital literacy and retain a conviction in their ability to identify falsehoods. And whilst I may be personally affronted when family members spread misguided claims, I am grateful that my convictions have been formed alongside lessons in digital literacy.