Posts tagged Tory Society
Mamma Mia, here we go again: Why the SU’s investigation into the Tory Society matters more than you think
OpinionMeriel Wehnertories, Tory Society, tory, conservatives, Conservative Party, Student Union, UCL's Student Union, investigation, controversy, society, Student society
Caught ‘port’ handed: UCL Tory soc violate their suspension
Society suspension: what does it mean?
Editorial Issue 11: Tory Soc 'sinks' to new lows
EditorialEmily Whitchurch, Juliette Rapp, Meriel Wehner, Sophie Rogers, Tricia TeoUCL News, Tory Society, Conservative Party, Rwanda, Yemen, Debate, UCL's Student Union, Opinion, Labour Party, Student society
UCL and KCL Tory Societies Face Backlash after Motion to Debate whether to ‘Invade Yemen’ or ‘Sink the Boats’